Food and Beverage Industry
Pace Tax can help your business claim R&D tax credits for innovations and new developments in the food and beverage industry.
Food and Beverage Industry Research and Development
The food and beverage industries have made great advances in various areas over the last several years. These areas include new and improved products, a variety of dietary options, product packing development to improve both the qualify and prolong shelf life, new and improved manufacturing processes related to limiting food contamination and bifurcating food production for allergies.

R&D Tax Credit for Food and Beverage Industry
So the big question is what can a company in the food and/or beverage expect to receive as a credit? Well there are many variables that dictate the amount of credit a company may receive. In most cases, the head count and salaries related to both the technical and support employees that contribute to the development effort typically drive the amount of credit. The technical and support backgrounds may include the following, but are not limited to: food scientist, chemists, processing and engineering, nutritionists, sensory analyst, master brewers, and mixologist. Given the varying amounts of head counts and salaries that could exist in any company and to help simply the answer to the question above, below are some of the latest statistics provided by the IRS for companies in the food and beverage industry that claimed Federal R&D Tax Credits:
Industry # of Clients Filed Avg. Credits
Food manufacturing 234 $106,684
Beverage and tobacco product 22 $21,113

What Activities Qualify in the Food and Beverage Industry?

- New or improved product development related to formulations, ingredients and recipes
- Packaging and bottling development (e.g., eco-friendly, recycling, increase shelf life)
- New and improved manufacturing processes related to efficiencies and product redesign
- The cost of supplies used in batch, barrel or prototype testing of new or improved formulations
- Sensory testing (supplies used in testing and/or 3rd party costs performing the tests)
- Software development activities related to e-commerce, logistics, and/or the manufacturing process
Have Questions? We’d Love To Hear From you!
We’re here to answer all of your R&D tax credit questions. Feel free to reach out here or call us at 330-228-2178.